Spread Select

Builds options spreads based on a selection of over 30 prebuilt option strategies

Allows the user to quickly compare the spreads to identify the most ideal trading candidates based on values such as Probability, Trade Cost, and Reward/Risk


  • Choose to build a single spread or select from any of the 30 plus supported spreads
  • Filter for single or multiple expirations, starting strike and number of strikes
  • Build in any direction from the starting strike
  • Set a minimum strike range to build spreads
  • View realtime Quote, Greek, Implied Volatility, Break even, Min/Max Risk and Credit or Debit information
  • Right click and send any spread to any feature in the platform
  • Float window and Symbol Linking to any feature in the platform
  • Right click and trade spread directly from the Spread Select feature

Automatically Build 32 Spread Types

Select either single or multiple spread types and have them automatically built for you. No need to remember or look up how to build an Iron Condor. Just click the check box and Option Dynamics Spread Select tool will create the spread for you.

Realtime Calculations

Once the spread or spreads are created, all Realtime pricing, Bid/Ask, Greeks, Implied Volatility, Probabilities, Min/Max Risk and Credit/Debit calculations are displayed. This way you can quickly determine the best spread setup before you start your analysis.

Filter Options to find the right Spread

Not seeing the setup you want for your spread? Use the custom filters to modify how the spread are built. You can adjust the Starting Strike, Number of Strikes, Direction and even the Minimum Range. No need to build one spread at a time, just have the Spread Select build several for you so you can focus on the one that is right for you.